One Planet Collection

Our Oral Hygiene Products

Taking care of our teeth and mouth is not only beneficial for our appearance but also for our overall well-being. Here are our tips and products to maintain good oral hygiene. The first step is to brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day, for two minutes each time. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush like our NANO toothbrush, which takes care of sensitive gums and makes teeth whiter. Also, opt for a fluoride toothpaste to remove bacterial plaque and prevent cavities. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months or as soon as the bristles begin to wear out.

Interdental cleaning is also crucial. Use dental floss like the one we offer on our One Planet zero-waste shop to remove food residues and plaque between the teeth, where the toothbrush cannot reach. This helps prevent gum problems such as gingivitis. Another healthy habit is to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing. This helps to kill remaining bacteria and freshen breath. However, it's important to note that mouthwash doesn't replace brushing and interdental cleaning but complements them.

Don't forget to regularly visit your dentist for check-ups and professional care. Oral health professionals can spot dental issues at an early stage and treat them before they worsen. Additionally, they can provide personalized advice on oral hygiene based on your specific needs. Lastly, pay attention to your diet. Limit the consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks as they can cause cavities. Instead, opt for healthy foods such as crunchy fruits and vegetables that naturally clean the teeth.